

Tnews is a task of Chinese GLUE, which is a short text classification task from ByteDance.

Run Tnews classification

python -u aispace/trainer.py \
    --experiment_name test \
    --model_name bert_for_classification \
    --schedule train_and_eval \
    --config_name tnews \
    --config_dir ./configs/glue_zh \
    --gpus 0 1 2 3  \

Specify different pretrained model, please change includes and pretrained.name in config file.

Model Accuracy Macro_precision Macro_recall Macro_f1
bert-base-chinese-huggingface 65.020 64.987 62.484 63.017
albert_base_zh 62.160 62.514 59.267 60.377
albert_base_zh_additional_36k_steps 61.760 61.723 58.534 59.273
albert_small_zh_google 62.620 63.819 58.992 59.387
albert_large_zh 61.830 61.980 59.843 60.200
albert_tiny 60.110 57.118 55.559 56.077
albert_tiny_489k 61.130 57.875 57.200 57.332
albert_tiny_zh_google 60.860 59.500 57.556 57.702
albert_xlarge_zh_177k 63.380 63.603 60.168 60.596
albert_xlarge_zh_183k 63.210 67.161 59.220 59.599
albert_base_zh_google 59.340 59.787 55.659 56.788
albert_large_zh_google 58.210 59.465 54.548 55.308
chinese_wwm 64.000 62.747 64.509 63.042
chinese_wwm_ext 65.020 65.048 62.017 62.688
chinese_roberta_wwm_ext 64.860 64.819 63.275 63.591
chinese_roberta_wwm_large_ext 65.700 62.342 61.527 61.664
ERNIE_stable-1.0.1 66.330 66.903 63.704 64.524
ERNIE_1.0_max-len-512 66.010 65.301 62.230 62.884
chinese_xlnet_base 65.110 64.377 64.862 64.169
chinese_xlnet_mid 66.000 66.377 63.874 64.708
chinese_electra_small 60.370 60.223 57.161 57.206
chinese_electra_small_ex 59.900 58.078 55.525 56.194
chinese_electra_base 60.500 60.090 58.267 58.909
chinese_electra_large 60.500 60.362 57.653 58.336
nezha-base 58.940 57.909 55.650 55.630
nezha-base-wwm 58.800 60.060 54.859 55.831

NOTE: The hyper-parameters used here have not been fine-tuned.


python -u aispace/trainer.py \
    --experiment_name test \
    --model_name bert_for_qa \
    --schedule train_and_eval \
    --enable_xla False \
    --config_name cmrc2018 \
    --config_dir ./configs/glue_zh \
    --gpus 0 1 2 3 \
    > err.log 2>&1 &
Model F1 EM
bert-base-chinese-huggingface 71.718 44.419
albert_base_zh 69.463 41.643
albert_base_zh_google 68.538 39.320
chinese_wwm 72.081 44.419
chinese_roberta_wwm_ext 71.523 44.362
ERNIE_stable-1.0.1 83.835 64.898
ERNIE_1.0_max-len-512 83.363 65.293
chinese_electra_small 72.172 46.314


python -u aispace/trainer.py \
    --experiment_name test \
    --model_name bert_for_classification \
    --schedule train_and_eval \
    --config_name csl \
    --config_dir ./configs/glue_zh \
    --gpus 0 1 \
    > csl_err.log 2>&1 &
Model Accuracy Macro_precision Macro_recall Macro_f1
ERNIE_1.0_max-len-512 83.000 83.439 83.000 82.943


python -u aispace/trainer.py \
    --experiment_name test \
    --model_name bert_for_qa \
    --schedule train_and_eval \
    --enable_xla False \
    --config_name drcd \
    --config_dir ./configs/glue_zh \
    --gpus 0 1 \
    > drcd_err.log 2>&1 &
Model F1 EM
ERNIE_1.0_max-len-512 85.657 75.433


python -u aispace/trainer.py \
    --experiment_name test \
    --model_name bert_for_classification \
    --schedule train_and_eval \
    --config_name afqmc \
    --config_dir ./configs/glue_zh \
    --gpus 0 1 \
    > afqmc_err.log 2>&1 &
Model Accuracy Macro_precision Macro_recall Macro_f1
ERNIE_1.0_max-len-512 72.405 67.489 66.750 67.071


python -u aispace/trainer.py \
    --experiment_name test \
    --model_name bert_for_classification \
    --schedule train_and_eval \
    --config_name iflytek \
    --config_dir ./configs/glue_zh \
    --gpus 0 1 \
    > iflytek_err.log 2>&1 &
Model Accuracy Macro_precision Macro_recall Macro_f1
ERNIE_1.0_max-len-512 58.753 30.406 32.275 28.965


python -u aispace/trainer.py \
    --experiment_name test \
    --model_name bert_for_classification \
    --schedule train_and_eval \
    --config_name cmnli \
    --config_dir ./configs/glue_zh \
    --gpus 0 1 \
    > cmnli_err.log 2>&1 &
Model Accuracy Macro_precision Macro_recall Macro_f1
ERNIE_1.0_max-len-512 78.759 78.750 78.679 78.593


python -u aispace/trainer.py \
    --experiment_name test \
    --model_name bert_for_relation_extract \
    --schedule train_and_eval \
    --config_name wsc \
    --config_dir ./configs/glue_zh \
    --gpus 0 1 \
    > wsc_err.log 2>&1 &
Model Accuracy Macro_precision Macro_recall Macro_f1
ERNIE_1.0_max-len-512 59.615 58.507 55.969 54.117


python -u aispace/trainer.py \
    --experiment_name test \
    --model_name bert_for_qa \
    --schedule train_and_eval \
    --enable_xla False \
    --config_name dureader_robust \
    --config_dir ./configs/qa \
    --gpus 0 1 \
    > err.log 2>&1 &

|Model|F1|EM| |—|—|—| |bert-base-chinese-huggingface|66.624|51.856| |chinese_wwm|67.007|53.434| |chinese_roberta_wwm_ext|65.521|50.274| |ERNIE_stable-1.0.1|75.268|61.675| |ERNIE_1.0_max-len-512|83.609|72.328|


python -u aispace/trainer.py \
    --experiment_name test \
    --model_name bert_for_classification \
    --schedule train_and_eval \
    --enable_xla False \
    --config_name dureader_yesno \
    --config_dir ./configs/qa \
    --gpus 0 1 \
    > err.log 2>&1 &
Model Accuracy Macro_precision Macro_recall Macro_f1
bert-base-chinese-huggingface 76.565 73.315 69.958 71.230
ERNIE_stable-1.0.1 85.756 82.919 81.627 82.213
ERNIE_1.0_max-len-512 86.122 83.847 80.636 81.965